Theses and Dissertations
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Item Implementation of a Performance Management System in the Office of the Premier Eastern Cape Province: Perceptionof Managers and Employees(University of Fort Hare, 2008-12) Nakani, Vuyokazi MandisaThe purpose of the study was to examine the implementation of the performance management system (PMS) in the Office of the Premier, Eastern Cape Province and to identify both barriers to its success and enabling factors. The study was conducted in 2005 after the implementation of performance management system. The objectives of the study were to identify attitudes and perceptions of managers and employees regarding the implementation of the system. The method and procedure used to collect data for employees at salary levels 4-16 was a survey, using structured questionnaires and focus group interviews for employees for salary level 1-3.Item An Evaluation of the Role of Trade Unions in Promoting Good Governmence and Service Delivery in Selected Municipalities within Ukhahlamba District in Eastern Cape (2000~2005)(University of Fort Hare, 2008-11) Mokhatso, Nthati B.BThe main objective of the research was to· evaluate the .role of trade unions in promoting good governance and service delivery in selected municipalities within Ukhahlamba District in the Eastern Cape. Government has a responsibility of rendering services to all citizens as stipulated in the Public Service Regulations. Trade unions are the stakeholders whose members are directly active in rendering these services. However, the quality of services rendered and the adherence to good governance are dependent on the role these trade unions play.Item Political Reconciliation between Suden People's Liberation Movement, Sudan People's Liberation Army and Anya nya II: "A Negotiation Tool for National Reconciliation and Peace in Postwar Southern Sudan''.(University of Fort Hare, 2008-06) Mai, James HothSudan's conflict has a lot of complexities. The conflict began with North-South war that started on 18 August 1955. The Torit mutiny, which broke out before the independence from the Great Britain on 1 January 1956, marked the beginning of the first civil war in the country ( 1955-1972), which continued for 17 years, after which the southern region achieved autonomy in February 1972 through the Addis Ababa Agreement.Item An Investigation of the Provision of the Water and Sanitation Services After the Devolution of Power and Functions in 2003to Selected Municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province(University of Fort Hare, 2008-12) Mama, Mandisa WongiweThe Republic of South Africa embarked on devolution of specific powers to municipal authorities due to the fact that municipalities are a sphere of government which is at the door step of the citizens. Among the powers that were devolved was the authority to regulate on the rendering of water and services to communities. From now henceforth in this study, water and sanitation services will be referred to as water serviceItem An evaluation of the impact of the implementation of legislation on service delivery in selected municipalities within the Eastern Cape Amathole District (2000-2007)(University of Fort Hare, 2008) Pakade, Nosizwe PampiliaImpact is the effect or influence that an event situation has on someone or something. If legislation is impute in local government machinery, services delivery should be the output indicative of the legislation. Evaluating service delivery as witnessed day by day and heard of from the media determines how good, useful, or successful legislation is. Evaluation therefore does not involve looking into compliance only, but performance as having been impacted by the former.Item The Effectiveness of the Parole System in the Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration of Offenders in the Eastern Cape: Mthatha Community (2004-2007).(University of Fort Hare, 2008-09) Zixesha, AyandaThis study investigated the effectiveness of the Parole system in the rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders in the Eastern Cape: Mthatha Community (2004-2007). Parole forms part of the total rehabilitation programme of the offender in correcting offending behaviour. It is an incentive for continuous good behaviour and substantial proof of rehabilitation. Parole is also regarded as an aid at the same time it is a mechanism to manage the risk the offender may pose to the community (White Paper on Corrections in South Africa 2005: 50).Item The Impact of HIV/AIDS in Teaching and Learning. A study of the Eastern Cape Department of Education(University of Fort Hare, 2007-11) Witbooi, SiphiwoThe main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on teaching and learning in the district of King William's Town within the Department of Education in the Province of Eastern Cape. The analysis that follows points to the critical importance of viewing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among educators in relation to the factors that impact on teaching and learning.Item South Africa's International Economic Relations in the Context of the Southern African Development Community(University of Fort Hare, 2006-03-06) Tshetsha, MondeRegional integration amongst the SADC member states is experiencing a fundamental realignment in the post-apartheid era. This dissertation explores the causes of economic inequalities in the SADC sub-region and the subsequent challenges that South Africa is facing as a new democracy. The causes of the inequalities identified are explored in relation to the SADC's most important trading arrangement; the Southern African Development Community ,Free Trade Agreement (SADC FTA).Item Challenges Faced by the Department of Transport in Managing the Minibus Taxi Industry: A case Study of King Williams Town(University of Fort Hare, 2007-11) Stemele, NtobekoThe government has been faced with serious challenges on public transport generally. Transportation systems form the basis by which economic development can occur and the means by which the community interacts. A taxi conflict has sporadically erupted in violence in and around King William' s Town as far back in 1993. The main contenders of the conflict are between Border Alliance Taxi Association (BATA) and King William's Town Taxi Management Forum (KWTTMF).Item Research Report(University of Fort Hare, 2006-01) Sharpley, Gaster GilbertIn 1995, the King Sabata Dalindyebo (KSD) municipality inherited an institution from the apartheid government created homeland that was in financial crisis, this entailed a fifteen million rand overdraft and a thirty two million rand outstanding account with the bulk electricity supplier, Eskom (KSD Municipality minutes, November 1995). In a bid to address the crisis, in 1997 the municipality engaged a private sector consortium called Umthiza Joint Venture to be the managing agent for the electricity supply to consumers.Item Human Capital Development: An Examination of the Contribution of Fort Hare University to the Socio-Economic Development of Alice as a University Town(University of Fort Hare, 2006-03) Ralo, TabisaItem An Assessment of the Impact of teh Democratisation of Public Management Approaches Through Municipal Service Partnership on Local Economic Development in the Chris Hani District Municipality(University of Fort Hare, 2007-12) Nyama, LennoxLocal Economic Development and Integrated Development Planning are as being inextricably linked. It is critical to ensure that the planning and implementation of a municipality's LED activities are carefully co-ordinated and initiated within the context of the municipal IDP. This is because the IDP is mechanism used to co-ordinate LED with other development strategies adopted by the municipality, so it is essential that LED planning should be closely linked to the IDP to avoid duplication of services. It is suggested in this research, that IDP's assist in promotion of socio-economic development.Item Skills Development as a Strategy for Empowering Workers in Buffalo City Municipaty (BCM)(University of Fort Hare, 2007-09) Mzaca, BuwangThe Buffalo City municipality remains an aspiring metro although it fulfils all the legal requirements to be a fully-fledged metropole. This is as a result of its state of the economy. It has not yet been ascertained whether the city possesses the capacity to be independent financially. The second element is the management of its own affairs without the assistance of the District Municipality.Item A Review of thr Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) in the Eastern Cape Region of the Pepublic of South Africa Between the Years 2000-2005. (A Case Study of the Department of Agriculture)(University of Fort Hare, 2007-11) Musoke, Aloyisuis KayongaThe main objective of the research was to review the implementation of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) In the Department of Agriculture of the Eastern Cape Province. According to the Public Service Regulations, the government has a duty and responsibility to deliver services to all its citizens. It however follows that the level of service delivery that such citizens has an irrevocable right to depends a lot on the maintenance of a healthy civil service workforce.Item Staff's Perceptions on Job Satisfaction, in Relation to Labour Turnover and Absteeism: A Study of University of Fort Hare, Alice Campus. for the period of 2000 TO 2006.(University of Fort Hare, 2007-11) Mogiba, Albert R.People with all their problems and promises will always be the most important resources for any organization. In many organizations, particularly large manufacturing firms and service organizations, a small number of hard-core human resource problems require the special attention of line management and human resource staff. All these problems need special attention as they may be costly to the organization in terms of production and training of new staff.Item A Critical Assessment of Public Private Partnerships as a Viable and Appropriate Institutional Model for the Provision of Water Services in Queenstown(University of Fort Hare, 2007-01) Mengezeleli, SiphoSince the first democratic local government, one of the biggest challenges of municipalities in South Africa has been to ensure that local government is transformed to reflect a developmental character that provides efficient and equitable services to all communities. Mobilising resources and building appropriate institutional capacity have become critical for successful implementation of local economic development initiatives and the provision of services.Item An Investigation Into the Implementation of Intergrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS)in Schools: A Case Study of Six School in Ntabethemba Circuit, Cradock District(University of Fort Hare, 2007-12) Mbaliswano, PhumzileThis study set out to investigate the implementation of Integrated Quality Management Systems (IQMS) in six schools in Ntabethemba Circuit of Cradock District in the Eastern Cape Province. The objectives of the study are: to find out whether those who are charged with the responsibility of implementing the IQMS do understand the policy and procedures inherent in the system, to investigate how IQMS is being implemented in schools, to find out the outcomes of the implementation of IQMS and to present findings and recommendations on the best ways to implement IQMS.Item Revenue Collection Methods Within Selected Municipalities in the Eastern Cape(University of Fort Hare, 2008-02) Maclean, SindisileThe culture of non-payment of municipal services is not a new phenomenon in South Africa. Prior 1994, payment boycotts were one of the key instruments of resistance against the Apartheid regime, as orchestrated by the liberation architects. Today, though circumstances are different, the culture has incarnated itself as new form, propelled by such pressures as social and economic woes. In addition, community unrest and protests regarding the adequacy and standards of service delivery has contributed significantly towards the culture of non-payment..Item A Critical Assessment of Twinning in the Department of Agriculture, Eastern Cape Province (1996-2005)(University of Fort Hare, 2008-04) Lwanga-Inga, IvanThe Department of Agriculture in the Province of the Eastern Cape has twinned with a number of countries since 1996, the latest being Spain in 2005. There is a total absence of how twinning and the projects therein has performed thus far. Without this sort of information, it is impossible to determine the usefulness of such programmes within the department.Item An Investigation of the Role of Traditional Leaders in the Liberation Struggle in Southern Sudan From 1983-2004(University of Fort Hare, 2008-06) Kuol, Deng-Abot KuolThe aim of this research study was to examine the role of traditional leadership during the upsurge of civil war in Southern Sudan. There has been much conducted in this field especially in Abiem Country. Throughout the research process the role of traditional leaders has shown an unprecedented position during the liberation struggle characterized by huge support in terms of support, manpower political mobilization.