Financial structure and economic growth nexus: comparisons of banks, financial markets and economic growth in South Africa

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University of Fort Hare


The importance of the financial structure system, which comprises the banking sector and financial markets, to the growth of a country’s economy cannot be underestimated. It is important to analyse comparatively the contribution of each sector to the economic growth of a country. This study, therefore, empirically examined the relationship between financial markets, banks and economic growth in South Africa using time series analysis for the period 1990 to 2011. The study used the Vector Error Correction model (VECM) based causality tests to establish the link between financial structure (represented by both banks and financial markets) and economic growth. Real GDP was used as a measure for economic growth, Bank credit to the private sector was used as a proxy for the banking system, turnover ratio and value of shares traded was used as a measure for the stock market and bond market capitalisation was used as a measure for the bond market. To determine the net effects of financial structure on long run growth in South Africa, one control variable was added which was the ratio of government expenditure to GDP to control for the government’s role in the economy. The Johansen co-integration technique was also employed to obtain a long run relationship. The results from the study revealed that the stock turnover ratio, bond market capitalisation, and government expenditure have a long run relationship with economic growth while bank credit to private sector and value of shares traded showed a negative relationship with economic growth. With granger causality all the variables proved to granger cause economic growth except for bond market capitalisation where economic growth prove to granger cause bond market development. The study recommended that measures to improve liquidity, transparency and accessibility of both the banking sector and financial markets instruments should be a priority for South African authorities. The authorities should, therefore, encourage stock market development through an appropriate mix of taxes, legal and regulatory policies to remove barriers to stock market operations and thus enhance their efficiency since stock markets in Africa are underdeveloped. Strong financial regulation and supervision in banks to ensure efficiency in credit allocation should be done to enable channelling of credits to capital development rather than consumption spending.



Economic development -- South Africa, Economic development -- South Africa, Banks and banking -- South Africa, Gross domestic product -- South Africa, Comparative economics
