Educators’ experiences with the implementation of grade 11 NCS English first additional language in selected schools in the Fort Beaufort education district

dc.contributor.authorBesman, Shirley
dc.description.abstractOne of the essential sectors that needed a drastic change in the post apartheid era in South Africa, was the education system or policy of the country. The government had a responsibility of combining together the nineteen different Departments of Education into which the schools were fragmented. It is in the interest of the country that, out of the eleven official languages of the country, learners should at least be fluent in two languages namely, the learner‟s mother language and any official language which will be treated as an additional language, thus, promoting additive bilingualism. This is on line with the country‟s constitution which has granted equal status to the eleven languages. That resulted in the formulation of two very imperative policies pertaining to schools; 1) The South African Schools Act (SASA) of 1996 which repeal all discriminatory policies of apartheid. On the issue of language the SASA placed the responsibility of choosing the school subjects to the School Governing Bodies (SGB) and 2) The Language-in- Education Policy (LiEP) of 1997 which is based on the recognition that South Africa is multilingual, and promotes learning of more than one official language. In an attempt to accomplish the constitutional obligation, and establish uniformity or equality in education, Curriculum 2005 which was later revised and known as the Revised National Statement and later revised and known as the NATIONAL Curriculum Statement, with the Outcomes Based Education as its approach, was introduced. The study investigated the experiences of educators with the implementation of NCS EFAL in Grade 11 in the Fort Beaufort Education District. English First Additional Language is used by the majority of schools as the Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT). The study is located in the interpretive paradigm which sought to explore people‟s experiences and their views. Qualitative research approach was adopted in the study with the intentions of finding as much detail as possible on the experiences of educators with the implementation of NCS EFAL in the Grade 11 classrooms. Six EFAL educators in the Fort Beaufort Education District in the Nkonkobe Municipality were purposely selected for the study. Semi structured interviews consisting of precisely defined questions that were pre-prepared, yet at the same time permitted the EFAL educators to answer beyond what the researcher enquired, were also employed in the study. The results pointed out that all EFAL educators interviewed were qualified teachers and had specialized in English teaching. In addition, the study revealed that in the Fort Beaufort Education District, there were two categories of EFAL educators who were trained for the implementation of NCS EFAL; those who only received one week departmental workshop and those who on top of the one week departmental workshop, received a two year training in Advanced Certificate In Education (ACE) English Language Teaching (ELT) from a Higher Education. The dissimilarity between the two groups manifested in their respective schools between the educators and their Heads of Departments (HOD) who happen to have little knowledge of the implementation of the curriculum. It became evident that the group of educators who were trained in ACE ELT were more familiar with the requirements of the NCS EFAL. The other group which was not conversant with the NCS EFAL policies decided to maintain their old teaching methods. Key recommendations of the study: Policy makers should clarify terminology to be understood by all educators, the Department of Education should take full responsibility of retraining educators to ensure uniformity in training through the in-service trainings yearly.en_ZA
dc.publisherUniversity of Fort Hareen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation and state -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
dc.subjectSchool management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
dc.subjectLanguage policy -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
dc.subjectCurriculum planning -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Study and teaching
dc.subjectCurriculum evaluation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
dc.subjectFort Beaufort (South Africa)
dc.titleEducators’ experiences with the implementation of grade 11 NCS English first additional language in selected schools in the Fort Beaufort education districten_ZA


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