An Exploratory Study on How Managing Cases of Sexually Abused Learners Impacts Personally on Primary School Educators: Implications for Setting up Support Structure

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University of Fort Hare


The purpose of the study was to establish the personal impact that managing cases of sexually abused learners has on Primary School educators working in an East London community.ยท, In addition it attempted to establish what support these Primary School educators felt they needed in order to help alleviate the personal impact, that managing cases of sexually abused learners might have on them. A phenomenological approach that s descriptions of everyday experiences - Using availability-sampling methods, interviewed.


Masters Thesis


SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Psychology


Moldan, Samantha.(2004).An Exploratory Study on How Managing Cases of Sexually Abused Learners Impacts Personally on Primary School Educators: Implications for Setting up Support Structure. Alice. University of Fort Hare