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Totemism and Exogamy- Volume 2
(University of Fort Hare, 1910) J. G. Frazer
From the foregoing survey we may infer that totemism and exogamy , in one form or another, are or have been practised by all the aboriginal tribes of Australia. Passing now from Australia to the islands of Torres Straits, which divide Australia on the north from New Guinea, we shall find both totemism and exogamy in vogue also among the Western Islanders; for these people are, like the Australians, divided into exogamous totem clans and believe themselves to be united by certain intimate ties to their totems.
Totemism and Exogamy- Volume I
(University of Fort Hare, 1910) J. G. Frazer et al.
The man who more than any other deserves to rank as the discoverer of totemism and exogamy was the Scotchman John Ferguson McLennan. It was not that he was the first to notice the mere existence of the institution in various races nor even that he added very much to our knowledge of them. But with the intuition of genius, he perceived or divined the far-reaching influence which in different ways he two institutions have exercised on the history of society. McLennan's discovery of exogamy attracted attention and excited discussions; his discovery of totemism made comparatively little stir, and outside of a small circle of experts it passed almost unnoticed in the general world of educated opinion.
Power and Knowledge in the Implementation of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area: The Case of Sengwe in Zimbabwe.
(University of Fort Hare, 2010-01) Sibanda, Manasa
In this thesis I investigate power relations among various actors in Transboundary Natural Resource Management (TBNRM) settings. I look at their effects in relation to control over and access to resources, local farming and conservation practices and on the livelihoods of local people. I focus on the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) and on the Sengwe prefecture in particular, part of which is a contested area that is designated as a
wildlife-corridor (which I refer to as the Corridor). This, small but vital component of the park links Zimbabwe with the rest of the conservation area. While not much research has been done there the effects of the initiative bring about a total transformation to the livelihoods of approximately 5000 local people. When this Corridor was introduced in 2000, legislation required a total displacement of the human settlement. Almost a decade after its establishment land for relocation has not been set aside, nor have any compensatory plans been put in place.
A multi-dimensional assessment of land degradation in the Sterkspruit river catchment: The nexus between landscape sensitivity, land use dynamics and landscape resilience
(University of Fort Hare, 2010-01) Tichagwa, Cornelius Gibson
This study sets out to assess the status and causes of land degradation in the Sterkspruit catchment of the Eastern Cape, and the extent to which this has affected the biophysical environment and rural livelihoods. The attributes of the biophysical and socio-economic environments that predispose the area to land degradation, the manifestations of land degradation and people's responses to the dynamics of their environmental circumstances are some of the key issues of enquiry.
Bank Finance in developing small and medium enterprises: An appraisal of relevant determinants in Rwanda
(University of Fort Hare, 2012-04) Gatabazi, Emmanuel Thomas
This study examines the perceived non-availability of adequate bank financing to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with reference to Rwanda. Evidence from both developed and developing countries show that SMEs are more constrained in their operations and growth than large enterprises and access to finance features importantly among the constraints, with their proprietors typically perceiving finance as their most pressing input constraints. The problem is more severe in less developed countries like Rwanda.