Nyama, Lennox2024-11-202024-11-202007-12Nyama, L. (2007). An Assessment of the Impact of teh Democratisation of Public Management Approaches Through Municipal Service Partnership on Local Economic Development in the Chris Hani District Municipality. Alice. University of Fort HareN/Ahttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11837/2595Masters ThesisLocal Economic Development and Integrated Development Planning are as being inextricably linked. It is critical to ensure that the planning and implementation of a municipality's LED activities are carefully co-ordinated and initiated within the context of the municipal IDP. This is because the IDP is mechanism used to co-ordinate LED with other development strategies adopted by the municipality, so it is essential that LED planning should be closely linked to the IDP to avoid duplication of services. It is suggested in this research, that IDP's assist in promotion of socio-economic development.enSOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics::EconomicsTECHNOLOGY::Industrial engineering and economy::Industrial organisation, administration and economicsAn Assessment of the Impact of teh Democratisation of Public Management Approaches Through Municipal Service Partnership on Local Economic Development in the Chris Hani District MunicipalityN/A