Gebeda, Zamuxolo, Chamberlain2024-05-102024-05-101975-11Gebeda,Z.C.(1980).The Teaching and Learning of Xhosa as a Foreign Language in South African Schools and Universities with Special Reference to Efforts being made to Speak, Read and Write the Language.Alice.University of Fort Hare. native tongue enables us to communicate with others who use the same system of language. Nevertheless as soon as we go beyond this group, we find ourselves in need of another language. Distances are contracting. with amazing rapidity, and the nations are coming more and more into contact with each other. Inevitably, the absolute inter-dependence of all civilizations and all cultures is merely the subject of philosophical speculation or religious meditation by the few of its simplicity bears upon everybody.enXhosaNative LanguagesTeachingForeign LanguageThe Teaching and Learning of Xhosa as a Foreign Language in South African Schools and Universities with Special Reference to Efforts being made to Speak, Read and Write the LanguageThesis