Nakani, Vuyokazi Mandisa2024-11-262024-11-262008-12Nakani, V. M. (2008).Implementation of a Performance Management System in the Office of the Premier Eastern Cape Province: Perceptionof Managers and Employees. Alice. University of Fort HareN/A ThesisThe purpose of the study was to examine the implementation of the performance management system (PMS) in the Office of the Premier, Eastern Cape Province and to identify both barriers to its success and enabling factors. The study was conducted in 2005 after the implementation of performance management system. The objectives of the study were to identify attitudes and perceptions of managers and employees regarding the implementation of the system. The method and procedure used to collect data for employees at salary levels 4-16 was a survey, using structured questionnaires and focus group interviews for employees for salary level 1-3.enTECHNOLOGY::Industrial engineering and economy::Industrial organisation, administration and economicsImplementation of a Performance Management System in the Office of the Premier Eastern Cape Province: Perceptionof Managers and EmployeesN/A