Lupuwana, Pumezo2016-10-212016-10-212008 study demonstrated that the demographic profile of the Eastern Cape Province portrayed high levels of poverty and underdevelopment in the mostly rural population. This is despite the fact that the Eastern Cape is characterized by a rich endowment of natural resources, hosting a wide range of natural plant species, numerous rivers, water springs from mountains and no less than six biomes due to the variety of climatic conditions prevalent in the Province. In contrast, the natural resources found in the Province were regarded to have a high potential to grow and transform the economy of the Province. In this study, the integrated approach was conceptualized, developed and implemented in action within the rural communities selected with varying degrees of success, as a function of the material and objective socio-economic conditions prevailing in each community. A model for rural enterprise development based on agricultural production utilizing the principles of Community-Public-Private Partnerships was conceptualized and executed with the assistance of specialist professionals from various disciplines and organizations. Case studies structured on the basis of methodologies derived from the integration of natural sciences and indigenous knowledge systems were conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the conceptual framework of the study as indicated by the following case studies. The first case study undertaken was the development of agricultural enterprises in the selected rural communities in joint ventures through the commercial production of food and vegetable crops for local markets and to provide nutrition for the rural communities as the first line of therapy against the HIV/AIDS infection and other diseases associated with malnutrition. The second case study was the establishment of an agricultural enterprise in partnership between rural communities, government agencies and agricultural specialist for the commercial production of grain crops, namely, Sorghum alternating with Wheat to satisfy the demand of local markets for these crops. The third case study was the establishment of a community-based enterprise through the commercial production of two Pelargonium plant species, namely, Pelargonium reniforme and P. sidoides. The two species had a high market demand in the pharmaceutical industry; hence, the plant species were domestically cultivated to satisfy the industry demand and to ensure the survival of the plant species. The enterprise succeeded in sustaining the livelihoods of the rural communities and conserving the plant species. The fourth case study was the commercial production of essential oil-producing plants in six selected rural communities providing employment for some of the members of these communities even though the initial phase of the start-up enterprise was a trial cultivation to determine the suitability of the environmental and climatic conditions for the propagation of the selected essential-producing plants. The demand for essential oils in local and international markets was determined to relatively high. The incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge Systems of the rural communities in the planning and implementation processes in the areas of Commercial Agricultural Production and Primary Health Care resulted in a gradual paradigm shift on the part of rural communities from a dependence mindset to one of self-reliance that is critical for sustainable rural economic development and the improvement of rural livelihoods. An integrated approach in the strategic planning and execution that involved the rural communities by government stakeholders, the academic community and other stakeholders from the Private Sector was piloted. The recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems by all the relevant stakeholders and their essential role in rural enterprise development, food production and primary health care as a pre-requisite for a successful transformation agenda was highlighted as never before. An all-inclusive approach that accorded the rural communities the status of equal partnership had a positive impact on most aspects of planning and implementing programmes for sustainable rural economic development and biodiversity conservation. Working in partnership with rural communities was found to be a challenge; hence, an understanding of the sub-cultures and the social dynamics that often manifested themselves in the form of internecine conflicts became necessary for successfully initiating the research programme in the rural communities. Furthermore, recognition of the rural communities as an integral part of the solution towards biodiversity conservation and the sustainable exploitation of natural resources was found to be a critical component for an effective strategy to ensure the continued survival of the endangered plant species. This attitude underpinned the co-operation of the rural communities and the overarching goals of rural transformation towards the consistent and sustainable improvement of rural livelihoods. TheengNatural resources -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeNutrition -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeRural development -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeEconomic development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeCommunity development -- South Africa -- Eastern CapePoverty -- South Africa -- Eastern CapeIntegrating natural sciences and indigenous knowledge systems for rural economic development: a model for rural enterprise development, health and nutrition initiatives in the Eastern Cape, South AfricaThesis